Miladychan Devlog - v0.1: Reactions

Users can now react to posts using a predetermined set of emojis. Each board has its own unique selection of emojis. Different sets of emojis will be set by admins on new boards in accordance with the local culture.
The /milady board emojis are currently set to 😡😭😹🤍
The /remilio board emojis are currently set to 😻🙀😹🫵

Reactions are powerful for syncing up posters and lurkers. A rush of white hearts 🤍🤍🤍 signals to the poster that their efforts were worthwhile. Post cancer and get 😡-reacted to oblivion. Boards feel more alive when the lurker has a quieter way to contribute their presence. A potent gateway drug to posting.
Developer's Note:
In the database, reactions are stored in a separate table and act as an extension to the existing post model. Each board should have its own set of reactions, so I added extra board configuration options. Added extra functionality to the thread feeds in order to make sure reaction events are synced between all users in the thread.
Other Improvements:
- Phoneposting is better now. Reply box is bigger and floats on the screen
- Buttons usually at the top and bottom of a thread on mobile float as you scroll now - jump to the bottom or top is accessible from anywhere
- Sound effects rely on a new page events system. For now, only reacting and getting a reply utilize this system to play a sound effect
- Added a custom 404 page
- "Last 100" is the default behavior when you open a thread
- Added an "anon" checkbox to the reply window that disables your name
- Sage used to be hidden away in a menu on the top of the page—now it's much more accessible through the reply window
- Previously, selecting a theme would permanently override all board defaults. When this option is selected, we load the board default
- Replaced filenames with unix timestamps
- Stickies are no longer pruned
- American flags are no longer overwritten by Israeli flags on 4th of July
- Bump times are now calculated correctly